शांति चाहिए तो पत्नी की सुनो-कोर्ट

शांति चाहिए तो पत्नी की सुनो-कोर्ट
यदि आपको वैवाहिक जीवन में शांति चाहिए तो वही करो जो पत्नी कहे। यह वैवाहिक सलाहकार द्वारा दी गई कोई सामान्य सलाह नहीं है बल्कि यह बात शीर्ष न्यायालय ने कही है।

न्यायमूर्ति मार्कंडेय काटजू और दीपक वर्मा की अवकाश पीठ ने कहा बीबी जो बोलती है वो सुनो अन्यथा आपके लिए समस्या खड़ी हो जाएगी क्योंकि यदि आपने उसकी बात नहीं सुनी तो आपको नतीजे भुगतने पड़ेंगे।

पीठ ने हिन्दी में हलके-फुलके अंदाज में कहा कि हम सब भोगी (भुक्तभोगी) हैं। उच्चतम न्यायालय ने कहा कि पति को पत्नी का सुझाव स्वीकार करना ही होता है भले ही उसका कोई मतलब हो या नहीं।

पीठ ने फिर कहा कि यदि आपकी पत्नी कहती है सिर उधर घुमाओ तो उधर सिर घुमा लो। यदि वह कहती है कि इधर सिर घुमाओ तो इधर सिर घुमा लो। अन्यथा आपके लिए मुसीबत हो सकती है।

उच्चतम न्यायालय ने यह दिलचस्प सुझाव आज एक वैवाहिक विवाद से जुड़े मामले की सुनवाई के दौरान दिया। इसमें वायुसेना के अधिकारी दीपक कुमार ने अपनी अलग रह रही पत्नी मनीषा पर उसे (दीपक कुमार को) तथा उसके परिजनों को अप्राकृतिक यौन संबंध सहित विभिन्न आपराधिक मामलों में फँसाने का आरोप लगाया है।
sources : http://hindi.webdunia.com/news/news/national/0905/19/1090519118_1.htm

My one-in-a-million twin baby boys have two different fathers

My one-in-a-million twin baby boys have two different fathers

A mother's fling has resulted in her bearing twins – by different fathers.

Eleven-month-old Justin and Jordan Washington may have arrived in the world within just seven minutes of each other, but in an amazing twist of fate, they are half brothers.

Each has a different dad because their mother Mia Washington, had an affair and conceived two babies by different men at the same time.

Mummy's boy: Mia Washington with baby Justin, who is not the biological child of her partner James Harrison

Mummy's boy: Mia Washington with baby Justin, whose twin brother Jordan has a different father. The chance of twins having different biological fathers is one in a million

Bombshell: The new mother began to investigate after noticing her sons had different facial features. Pictured here with Jordan Washington

Bombshell: The new mother began to investigate after noticing her sons had different facial features. Pictured here with Jordan Washington

There is only a one-in-a-million chance of twins having different biological fathers.

The bizarre double conception happened when Mia cheated on her partner James Harrison with another man.

One of the boys is James's son, but the other is fathered by another man, whose identity has not been released.

That's my boy: James Harrison with his biological son Jordan. Despite his partner's infidelity, James has agreed to raise both twins as his own

That's my boy: James Harrison with his biological son Jordan. Despite his partner's infidelity, James has agreed to raise both twins as his own

After learning about her infidelity, James agreed to forgive Mia and raise both twins as his own.

Mia, from Dallas, Texas, said: 'I have twins who have different dads.

'Out of all the people in America and all the people in the world, this had to happen to me.'

The truth came out when Mia visited Clear Diagnostics DNA Lab after noticing the twins have different facial features.

A paternity test confirmed her fears - it showed there was only a 0.001 chance that Justin and Jordan have the same father.

Authorities say the result is so rare that there are only a handful of known cases across the globe.

'It's very crazy, most people don't believe it can happen but it really can,' said Genny Thibodeaux, from Clear Diagnostics DNA Lab.

According to doctors, if a woman has more than one sexual partner while she is ovulating, there's a miniscule chance that different sperm cells can fertilise two separate eggs.

Dr Chris Dreiling, from the Paediatric Association of Dallas, told Fox News: 'Because sperm cells take a while to travel and eggs take a while to travel there can be an overlap.'

We are family: The couple and their one-in-a-million twins boys - who are soon to be joined by another sibling

We are family: The couple and their twin boys - who are soon to be joined by another sibling

The couple is now coping with the aftermath of the DNA bombshell and plan to tell the twins when they're old enough to understand.

Mia added: 'When they opened the envelope and delivered the news they told me there was zero chance that James was Justin's father.

'My jaw dropped open.

'It was the weirdest thing to think that two little babies could have grown in my stomach together and been born seven minutes apart but yet have different fathers.

'I had never heard of it happening anywhere else in the world and literally had thought it would have been impossible.

'James said he would stay because he loved me and raise both of the twins as his own.

'I felt very wary at first, I kept thinking he'd try but then find out he couldn't cope with it and leave us after all.

'But everyday I'm thankful because the DNA result hasn't changed the way we are as a family. James is a good man; he's a great father and genuinely loves both of the twins.

'When they are old enough to know the truth about their different fathers I will tell them. Right now they are so young they don't know anything and they don't need to know.

'As far as I'm concerned, James is the father of both boys because he's the one there every morning when they get up and every night when they go to sleep.

'Some people may not agree with what I've done in the past but I have accepted my mistake and taken responsibility for it.

'If when he is older Justin wants to meet his real dad then that's his decision.

'Everyone around us has been shocked by the miracle of them having been conceived separately but born together.

'It's hard for me to wrap my head around it but those are the facts.

'Five months ago we found out that I was pregnant again and our new baby is due to arrive in the autumn.

'Right now I'm fully committed to taking care of my family and making sure their needs are met. I can guarantee there'll be no questions raised this time around!

'I'd advise other women to be careful about starting an affair - look what happened to me. Think hard about the consequences first, because the most bizarre things can happen when you least expect it!'

James said: 'It's a day by day thing.

'It's going to take time to build up trust between us like we had. Mia immediately came clean about her mistake and says she takes full responsibility for her actions.'

Sources : http://www.hotklix.com/link/news/world/Women-gives-birth-to-twins-with-different-fathers

Religious Definition of Hindu Marriage

Religious Definition of Hindu Marriage

7 rounds have a symbolic representation for both Bride and the Groom in its own ways.

For Boy (These are mostly the external factors that influence the family by virtue of the male role in the family)

Round 1: Ish ekpadi Bhava
This First step is to ensure that he feeds his family
Vow: 1. We will share the responsibilities of the house, food and
finance together. May God bless us with children and may they have
long lives
Round 2: Urje dvipadi Bhava
This Second step is for his strength for the family
Vow: You are only my beloved wife. I will love you and only you. I
give commitment will provide strength and courage to you, my wife,
Round 3: Raisyoposhai tripadi Bhava
This Third step is for the wealth for the family
Vow: The third step is for the growth of prosperity and wealth, and to
educate their children
Round 4: Mayobhaviyay chaturshpadi Bhava
This Fourth step is for the Happiness and peace for the family
Vow: In the fourth step he thanks his wife for bringing auspiciousness
and sacredness in his life.
Round 5: Prajabh'yaha panchmadi Bhava
This Fifth step is for the kids in the family
Vow: In the fifth step may the Goddess Mahalaxmi (Deity of Prosperity)
make us prosperous and God bless us.
Round 6: Rutubh'yaha shastpadi Bhava
This sixth step is for good seasons
Vow: In the sixth step the groom promises the bride that he will fill
her heart with great joy and peace, time and time again
Round 7: Sakha Saptapadi Bhava
This seventh step is for the divine bond of friendship between the
husband and wife
Vow: This is the last and final step. Here the groom tells his bride
that as you have walked seven steps with me you have made our love and
friendship firm and inseparable. Now you have become mine and I offer
my total self to you. May our marriage successfully last forever.
These responsibilities from the side of the groom are such that even
after divorce he keeps on feeding the lady irrespective of her vows.
Interesting further is the part of the Bride. And I have also narrated
the actual facts that we get to hear in real life against each Vow.

For Girl (These are mostly the Internal factors that influence the
family by virtue of the female role in the family)

Round 1: Sukh Dukhani sarvani tvayasaha vimjayate; yatr tvam tanduham
tantra prathame sa brabididdum.
Vow: The vow is that all the moments of joy and struggle would be
shared equally by the bride, and where ever and whatever be the
condition of the husband the bride would be always there by his side
and be just like one of his.
Round 2: Kutumbam Rakshayishyamya-BalVrudhkadiddum; Asti nastiti
pashchaymi dvitiye sa brabididdum
Vow: I take responsibility for safeguarding all the family members
right from the smallest kid to the eldest senior. The acceptance of
family is obvious here.
Round 3: Bhatrubhaktirta nityam sadaiva priyabhashini, bhavisyami
padey chaiva trutiye saa brabhididdum
Vow: My devotion to you my beloved will be unperturbed and I will
decorate your life with my sweet language.
Round 4: Aarte Aarta Bhavishyami Sukhdukhsambhavini; Tavagna
palishyami kanya turyapadedabrebit
Vow: Your Pain is my Pain in any department and so is your Happiness;
I shall follow all your orders.
Round 5: Rutukale Suchisasanatta Kridishyami tvaya saha; Naha parantar
gachcheh kanya pashkshepadedbrebit
Vow: During the right phase I would rightly inform you and have only
you as my partner for physical relationship. And I would not indulge
with any stranger.
Round 6: ihath sakshi vishnusatvayadaham naiva vakshichta; Ubhayoha,
Preetiha, sambhuta kanya sashatepadebrebit
Vow: In witness of Lord Vishnu I swear that I have not fooled you and
haven't kept you in dark about anything; with this confession I pledge
we are now in a wedlock.
Round 7: Homyagnadikaryeshu bhavamicha sahayani; dharmarth kam
karyeshu kanya saptapadedbrabit.
Vow: O my lord, in all acts of righteousness (Dharma), in every form
of enjoyment, and in those divine acts such as fire sacrifice, worship
and charity, I promise you that I shall participate and I will always
be with you.

WHY CJI appeals to PM for creation of more family courts?

New Delhi, May 15 (PTI) Chief Justice of India K G Balakrishnan today
appealed to the Prime Minister and Chief Ministers of all states to create
more family courts in the country to settle matrimonial disputes amicably.
"I would appeal to the Prime Minister and I am thinking of writing to all
Chief Ministers to facilitate the creation of family courts in all districts
in the country," Justice Balakrishnan said.

Inaugurating the first family court of the capital at Dwarka district courts
premises here, he stressed that marriages should be protected like an
institution. "We should work together to bring a change in society.

Marriage is institution which should be protected," Justice Balakrishnan
said. Chief Justice of Delhi High Court Justice A P Shah, who was also
present with other Judges, said that as many as 15 family courts would be
set up across the capital by July.

The matter would be taken up with the Government to create a total of 35
such courts as required in the capital, he said. The idea of family court
was conceptualised in the Family Courts Act 1984, which mandated that all
sorts of matrimonial disputes including custody battle of children should be
settled amicably.

sources : http://in.news.yahoo.com/20/20090516/1416/tnl-cji-appeals-to-pm-for-creation-of-mo.html

Till we have gender bias laws in India like 498a and DV, Family courts will only add to number of divorces, we need some strong mediation centers to resolve family disputes.
